#ClimateStrike protests

Nick Burka

Today silverorange slices in British Columbia, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island have been participating in climate protests. Here are a few photos we took.

Crowd with signs on city street
That yellow building in the background is our Charlottetown silverorange office!


Photos by Isa

Crowd with sign reading 'TELL THE TRUTH' in front of government building

Large crowd by government buildings


photos by Stephen

Placard reading 'ACT NOW for our children and our mother'

Group of people holding environmental protest signs

Crowd of protesters with signs crossing road

Crowd of young protesters with signs

Crowd of young protesters marching with signs reading 'Help protect my future'

Man speaking to crowd of protesters

Crowd of protesters listening to speaker


Photos by Kristen

Thousands of people marching on city street

Woman smiling amid march

Person dressed in Lorax costume

Crowd of protestors in front of monument